Category: Detox

Why Did I Gain Weight and Can’t Lose It?

Many people come to our office seeking weight loss programs. They have tried everything and stated that they still can’t lose weight. In many cases, it is not about calories in versus calories burned. We look at what may be causing unexplained weight gain and stubborn weight loss. In many cases, a person may be… Read more »

Breakfast Sausage, Egg & Micro-greens

Short on time? No problem! Short on time? No problem! Enjoy this breakfast dish as you’re dashing out the door: it takes just 4 minutes to prepare. Organic, healthy, savory.

Detox Diary Day 1

By Dee Harris, RDN, LDN, CDE,   January 5, 2015 Ok. It is the first week of the new year and I am committed to make some changes. This year, I wanted a clean start for my mind and body. So I started cleaning out closets and cabinets to have more orderly surroundings. To me,… Read more »

General Suggestions for Decreasing Toxicity and Harmful Chemical Exposures

Certain chemicals applied to your skin or in the air can be absorbed by your body and may cause harm to your cells and organ systems. They can cause inflammation and increase the body’s production of free radicals, thus increasing your likelihood of developing chronic health problems.   Food Shift your food purchases and consumption… Read more »